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Directory Of
Standards-Compliant WANY
A+ Certified Office & Workspace Providers

Emerge212 a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesCapespace a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesNYC Office Suites a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesWestchester Business Center of White Plains and Chappaqua a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesWorkspace by Rockefeller Group a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesMazzi Workplaces a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesSelect Office Suites a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces4 Corners Business Centers of Brooklyn, Forest Hills, Scarsdale and Southampton a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesVirgo Business Centers a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesColony Workplaces Huntington, L.I. a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesCarr Workplaces a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesOffice Quarters of Allentown, PA a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesNYC Seminar & Conference Center a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesMetro Offices a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesQuest Workspaces a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesPremier Workspaces a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesElevatedNY a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking SpacesCorporate Suites a Proud A+ Certified Member of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces

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After The Hurricanes: Our WANY Friends Are Safe & Sound … Thank Goodness!

We are pleased to report that WANY Members and Friends Laura Kozelouzek (Quest Workspaces of Miami area); and Jan Paape (Anchor Executive Center of Houston) fared relatively well, after the devastation of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma slammed their Centers. Most importantly, they report that they and their employees are all safe, and that while the storm damage was formidable, they’re on their way to recovery. The thoughts and prayers of WANY members are with Jan, Laura and all other Operators in their markets, hoping for a full and quick restoration.

Here’s what Jan shared with us on September 5th about Hurricane Harvey :

“I left my town home last Wednesday, August 30.  The ground floor was flooded because of Hurricane Harvey.  The water from my home did recede, but because there was fear of a levee breach, officials made the necessary decision to start a controlled release of water from two reservoirs.  The water flows into Buffalo Bayou (and others) which is very near my house, and in that particular location, is narrow.  This step caused huge amounts of water pouring into the bayou(s) in addition to all the water (55 inches) delivered by Harvey.  This resulted in additional flooding of subdivisions and streets.

I stayed in my house on the second floor, wading around downstairs from time to time, but on Wednesday realized the latest water in the house due to the release was not going to recede as it had earlier in the week, so left.  I believe all furniture on the first floor (including my baby grand piano) is a loss and my vehicle as well, which is still sitting in the garage.  I had beautiful things, but it is, as they say, 'stuff'.  I will be able to salvage many sentimental things, china, crystal and more that were on higher shelves, etc.  All my business papers, files, etc. are kept at my office.  I do have good insurance and at the end of the day, am very blessed.

I was not able to get back into my house to survey the damage until yesterday.  There is still high water on nearby roads and they are blocked with police presence.  However, I was able to go in by canoe yesterday.  The water on my street and in my house has receded.  We just can't start the cleanup until police let trucks, etc. through the blocked streets.  I have taken an apartment starting tomorrow, on the 26th floor of a beautiful high rise condominium building.  I own other furniture that is in storage, so will be able to reach that facility. 

I am so very fortunate because I have a huge support system of family and friends, most definitely includes many friends within the workspace industry from around the world.  I am grateful for the care, concern and love.  

The city of Houston has experienced much loss but the motto is 'Houston Strong'.    We will get through this!

And here is what Laura had to say on September 11th about Hurricane Irma

We have heard from our team.. All 25 are OK thank goodness!!

As of now we we have mixed reports. Coral Gables, Plantation and Ft Lauderdale will be open tomorrow. Which is incredible news.

Haven’t heard from West Palm or Doral's building management. But the BEST news is that both locations on Brickell have power! Which I am shocked considering the photos yesterday! One has some flooding in the garage and the other has to do some repairs to the life safety system but I think both will be reopened by Wednesday!!

September 15th Update - Quest is 100% back up and running after Irma 

We hope everyone fared well and is safe after Hurricane Irma! Quest is extremely fortunate with 100% of our centers in South Florida currently fully operational and available to get you back to your normal business routine. Encompassing 180,000 square feet and over 1,500 desks, our open centers have power, internet telecommunications and most importantly air conditioning!

Complimentary Coworking for Entrepreneurs

To the entrepreneurs in our 8 communities in South Florida – if you find yourself displaced and in need of a place to work we are offering complimentary coworking seats for individuals until power and connectivity is restored. Please view list of locations and reach out to our local team in your area to reserve your seat as space is limited! Or call us at 800.268.1051.

Disaster Recovery Support for Displaced Corporations

For companies who need temporary space during this time or after any other unfortunate event, Quest Workspaces is providing Disaster Recovery Support.

This program provides businesses with fully serviced and staffed accommodations for seamless transition less than 24 hours post event including high speed internet, telecommunications, and stocked team lounges. Additional services provided include data recovery and technology restoration.  Our Quest centers most importantly provide your team with a safe and secure workspace where your data integrity will not be compromised.

Corporate Business Contingency Planning

Twenty four hours prior to Irma’s landfall, Quest Workspaces Plantation set up 120 seats for the team of Chewy.com as a precautionary measure. Our devoted team members quickly put into motion the plan and set up all 120 workstations while the rest of South Florida was scrambling to buy water and gas. The Chewy.com team were in fact displaced and due to their continuity planning and Quest’s execution, all team members were up and running the day after the storm.

Let us help customize a Disaster Recovery Support plan for your business today so that your company’s continual profitability is ensured for tomorrow.

So thankful! 

The reoccurring refrain in the community is “we dodged a bullet” and “it could have been so much worse.”

We are so thankful that the Quest family and friends were spared and that our Disaster Recovery Support services have been able to get our Questers back to business so quickly. Our thoughts continue to go out to those who were less fortunate and affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma.

Thank you again to our team for their dedication and putting the Questers first, some before their own preparation, and to our Questers for their patience during this difficult and chaotic time. We are so grateful!

-The Quest Team



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WANY Strategic Partners

  • DaVinci a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • Yardi Kube a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • IDK Cooling Corp a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • essensys a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • TrueView360s Virtual Tours a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • MorningStar Software a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • iPostal1 a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • UltraSoft a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces
  • Crown Delivery & Logistics a Proud Strategic Partner of WANY: The Workspace Association of New York, Offering Executive Suites, Business Center Offices, Virtual Offices, Furnished Offices, Temporary Offices and Coworking Spaces